
Fastero is available on PyPI. To install it to your system:

  1. Install with pip

    pip install "fastero"

    This will just install fastero and it’s required Dependencies. If you want to export plots, images, or yaml then you need the extra exporting dependencies

    pip install "fastero[export]"

    This will install matplotlib, pyyaml, selenium, and Pillow alongside fastero. These libraries are required for exporting specific files

  2. Install with pipx

    pipx install "fastero"

    This will just install fastero and it’s required Dependencies. If you want to export plots, images, or yaml then you need the extra exporting dependencies

    pipx install "fastero[export]"

    This will install matplotlib, pyyaml, selenium, and Pillow alongside fastero. These libraries are required for exporting specific files

  3. Install with pip from github

    pip install "git+https://github.com/wasi-master/fastero"

    This will just install fastero and it’s required Dependencies. If you want to export plots, images, or yaml then you need the extra exporting dependencies

    pip install "fastero[export] @ git+https://github.com/wasi-master/fastero"

    This will install matplotlib, pyyaml, selenium, and Pillow alongside fastero. These libraries are required for exporting specific files


Fastero requires python 3.7 and higher

To check if it is installed correctly you can run the following command:

fastero --help

If that doesn’t work, try:

python -m fastero --help

You may need to replace python with your installation specific python command. If that still doesn’t work, make sure you have python 3.7+ installed and added to path